Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton is a charity dedicated to protecting and promoting the wellbeing of people aged 50+. Established in 1928, they provide a range of direct services which make life better for older people within the Liverpool City Region.
Having recently undertaken training funded via the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority*, Chief Operating Office, Elaine Middleton shared the organisation’s experience as well as the benefits of undertaking training in:
- Advanced Care Planning
- Falls Prevention Training
- Challenging Behaviour/De-Escalation Training
* The courses were funded via the European Social Fund & Strategic Investment Fund as part of the commitment to support employers with funded training throughout the Liverpool City Region.
After completing the courses, what did it enable your business to do?
It enabled us to take in residents, and care for existing residents, who were vulnerable and had very challenging behaviour.
It also gave staff more awareness of why they were doing certain things and we want to continue to build on our culture that “resident needs come first”
What skills & knowledge did the learners obtain from the courses and how did this help the business to achieve its aims & objectives?
The staff have more knowledge and skills around the “whys” and not just “must do” so this increased staff confidence, helping us to build a culture of providing not just good, but excellent resident care.
Staff now have a better understanding of end-of-life care, in terms of documentation and the reasons for this.
They are also much more aware in respect of falls, signs to look out for and for those with challenging behaviour. Not only how to handle situations, but also to look for triggers to prevent escalation in the first place.
Did the training support the learners in terms of career development?
Yes, some of our care staff are currently taking level 2 and 3 in Adult Social Care so helped with their evidence and understanding.