Advertise your vacancy

Do you have an apprenticeship vacancy?

Do you want to share it with Liverpool City Region residents?

Why not use our online vacancy upload?

Another first for the online world of apprenticeships in the UK is to provide city region employers with the ability to upload their own apprenticeship vacancies for individuals to view and apply for via Be More.

If you are interested in discussing your business training needs and skills gaps as part of the Be More Brokerage project please contact our Skills and Apprenticeships Hub at

For those that want to just dive straight in and start advertising their apprenticeship vacancies, fill out this form below.

PLEASE NOTE: Fields marked with an (*) are mandatory fields and MUST be completed in order to process the application. If employers cannot complete all mandatory fields please email the Brokerage Service direct at

Applications are processed within 5 working days of receipt of completed form.

Please input reference identifier

How many positions are available

How many hours a week are required

Which days will be worked (include shift pattern)

Salary (must be minimum of £4.15 p/h)

Date for vacancy to go live

Closing date of vacancy (at least 2 weeks from date posted)

Duration of apprenticeship (minimum of 13 months)

Brief description of role

Employer Details

Brief description of role

Vacancy Information

Job description to be provided

Training Details


If you do not have a Training Provider/College already assigned to deliver this apprenticeship please contact An impartial skills broker will then look to discuss potential Training Providers/Colleges that may be suitable to deliver the apprenticeship with you.

Application Instructions

Please give guidance as to how you wish to receive application. Whether covering letter or additional information is required.

The website address for where the application sends the user to

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