Two Top Tips to get an Apprenticeship


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If you take a quick look at the Be More site you’ll see the latest Apprenticeships on offer across the Liverpool City Region. Competition for them is tough, so here are two tips to help you get the apprenticeship you would love.

When you apply for an apprenticeship it gives you both a qualification and experience. The experience is gained in the workplace with a business. While an apprenticeship could potentially be a relatively short term commitment, often the business is looking to recruit someone who will become an employee when the apprenticeship has finished.

From the moment you apply for an apprenticeship, don’t think of it as a student applying to college as you are applying for a job. While there will be a college element to the apprenticeship, you’ll spend much of your time in the business. The business will sift applications and will then invite candidates for interview.

Our two top tips will help you get to interview and make a good first impression. First impressions count and can influence what a prospective employer thinks. When it comes down to a close decision between two candidates it may tip the balance in your favour. Businesses are looking for someone who is going to fit into their organisation, so the right character, qualities and ethos plays a part in their selection criteria both consciously and subconsciously.

Our first tip makes sure that you improve your chances of getting to interview. Your CV is your sales brochure and how they get in touch with you to invite you to interview is important. A great deal of this is done by email. Your email address needs to look professional, as does your social media accounts. If your account or email address is ‘fluffybunny’ or an equivalent it’s time to create a new one or change the name. This is important, it does make a difference. A business offering you an apprenticeship may search for your social media accounts. If they see pictures and posts that don’t match with the qualities of their business or portray you in a different light to your CV that can move you from the yes to the no pile, costing you an interview opportunity. Alternatively, it could result in some interesting questions at interview. We all like to have fun and how you behave with your friends outside of working life may be very different from how you behave in the work place. The best way to keep these separate is to look at your social media account privacy settings. Make sure that only your friends can access your social media content.

Our Second tip is about the interview, about how you might present yourself. Again first impressions count, so while you may not feel confident inside put the nerves aside. Be polite and friendly to everyone you meet the moment you enter the building. You never know how much influence everyone you meet can have on you getting your apprenticeship.

How you look is important too. Our advice is look smart. Whether you’re going for a welding apprenticeship or an accountancy apprenticeship, remember it’s a job interview. So, dress to impress.

If you need assistance or have questions about how to get your apprenticeship then the Apprenticeship Support Team by Be More are here to help with impartial information and advice.