Will you choose a wet or dry maritime apprenticeship?


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Working in a marine industry is not all about being at sea. Thousands of skilled people are needed in exciting jobs on land and on water. We talk to Maritime UK about apprenticeships and opportunities across the sector.

The UK Maritime industry is huge in the UK. It makes sure you get goods from overseas. Cruise ships take people on holidays. Fishing provides us with food. It generates green energy and much more. Mention the maritime industry to most people and they immediately think about the sea and believe a career involves being out on the water. This perception has led to fewer people looking at the sector when exploring career choices. Maritime UK has been set up to help dispel misconceptions such as this. They want to get more people realising what fantastic careers are available and how to train for them. Liverpool is a thriving port and the Liverpool City Region has growing numbers of apprenticeships in the maritime industry.

Lorna Wagner is Maritime UK’s Programme Manager for Careers and Outreach. She has been working with a number of key organisations across the Liverpool City Region to spread the word and get people thinking about a career in the industry. Mersey Maritime, Growth Platform, Peel Ports and a range of schools and colleges are just some of the organisations now working together to let people know about changes in the sector and the opportunities available.

“Maritime is a very exciting sector that is expected to double in size by 2030. It is modernising rapidly, creating new jobs in addition to the traditional ones. In fact, any type of job you can think of can be used in the sector, from accountants to zoologists. Also, most people are surprised to hear that only 25% of these jobs are on the water. So, your chosen career in the sector doesn’t mean you’ll be wet and sea sick,” reveals Lorna.

“In addition to the sector seeing exponential growth the modernisation of the sector is creating demand for new roles. For example container vessels could be operated remotely in the future. Programming for this, use of AI and production of secure computing systems is needed. Also more traditional crafts are required. Ship building for instance, joinery for boat building, electricians for fitting ships, the list goes on,” Lorna tells us.

Apprenticeships will provide a key route for building future skills in this sector. Already organisations such as Peel Ports have well established and respected apprenticeship programmes. Maritime UK is actively encouraging many more businesses across the Liverpool City Region to take on apprentices. While they begin to look at the skill sets they need, people interested in joining the sector should pursue the apprenticeships available. Remember, it’s not all about being at sea in this changing and exciting sector. It’s worth taking time to have a fresh look at the apprenticeships available in jobs you would enjoy. The maritime sector will have opportunities in that field. Whether you are leaving school or would like to develop your career in the sector, there are apprenticeships for you to explore.

If you would like further information on apprenticeships and how to apply for them, talk to

the Apprenticeship Support by Be More Team They provide impartial information and advice on apprenticeships across the Liverpool City Region.