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This month the Apprenticeship Hub team has been busy raising awareness and understanding of Apprenticeships through a variety of activities:


The Hub Team participated in The Heath Careers Fair where Adam Jones, Hub Ambassador from STFC and higher-level electronic engineering apprentice, chatted with students about Apprenticeship opportunities available through STFC Daresbury. The Hub also carried out mock interviews at The Heath and held an open Apprenticeship surgery at Widnes JCP, advising customers on Apprenticeship routes to employment.


The Apprenticeship Hub supported mock interviews at Greenbank High, joined by Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Ambassador EFT Systems. Also this month, the LCR Apprenticeship Ambassadors helped the Hub team deliver an Apprenticeship information session to year 11 students at Deyes High School. The session gave students a real insight into what it is like being an Apprentice hearing directly from the Ambassadors about their own experiences.


The team did several presentations on Apprenticeships to year 11 students at the Prenton High Careers Day, including demonstrations of the and Be More websites. The Team also participated in the Birkenhead School Careers Fair, where we enjoyed speaking to students and their parents or guardians about Apprenticeship opportunities. LCR Apprenticeship Ambassador Wirral Met College partnered with the Apprenticeship Hub at the South Wirral High Careers Fair. Here ambassadors shared the stories of their Apprenticeship journeys with students and their parents or guardians. The team also delivered mock interviews to students earlier on in the day.

Woodchurch High School, located within the heart of Wirral, had an exciting careers convention during October. External partners attended, including the Hub, local colleges, training providers, universities and employers. Pupils from all year groups and their parents/guardians made the most of the quality advice and guidance available on careers and further education. After this successful event, the Apprenticeship Hub has been invited back to the school to deliver drop-in sessions with any pupils with queries about Apprenticeships. These drop-in sessions will take place over the lunchtime period within the school grounds.


The Apprenticeship Hub attended the Kirkby High Careers Fair in October.

St Helens

The Hub Team attended a careers fairs at De La Salle in St Helens to provide information about Apprenticeships.


Schools activity in Liverpool included attending work-related learning and enterprise events at Calderstones School and Bellerive Academy. Here students competed in teams to create and market a concept of Hotel of the Future. The students presented their ideas to a panel of local employers or “Dragons” (which included the Hub) who chose winners. There were some brilliant ideas and great presentations delivered by the teams and the exercise delivered valuable experience in working within a team and the different roles involved. The Team also carried out mock interviews at Bellerive Academy and attended a careers fair at De La Salle, Liverpool. They also held an open Apprenticeship surgery at Everton JCP, advising customers on Apprenticeship routes to employment.