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Dozens of 50 PLUS Champions tasked with helping older workers into work are now in place across England…

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  • Network of dedicated 50PLUS: Champions now in place across England, Scotland and Wales
  • Builds on £22 million funding boost secured to support older workers

Dozens of 50 PLUS Champions tasked with helping older workers into work are now in place across England, Scotland and Wales, the Minister for Employment confirmed today.

Each area has specialised, local staff dedicated to this helping over 50’s into work. They are working directly with Jobcentres and employers to remove any barriers that are keeping older workers out of the jobs market. Results of this partnership work are already being seen with leading employers like McDonald’s working with the Jobcentre in Scunthorpe to fill vacancies.

50 PLUS Champions assist Work Coaches to change employer attitudes about hiring over 50s as well as matching jobseekers with opportunities that suit their skills.

Minister for Employment, Guy Opperman MP, said:

Older workers are a huge asset to our country and our economy. I want to support them to get into work.

An age-inclusive workforce makes business sense too. Our 50 PLUS Champions will work with leading employers across the country to connect job-ready people with the vast number of opportunities out there.

DWP is also supporting older jobseekers, with the introduction of the Jobcentre Mid-Life MOT service which supports people to take stock and make plans for their work, wealth and well-being into the future.

Jobcentres deliver a specialised offer for those 50 and over, identifying and overcoming obstacles holding them back from the labour market. Support includes modernising CVs or developing new skills through specialist programmes with new employers and a new approach.

There are also individual businesses which partner up with Jobcentres to create sector-based work academies. These SWAPs last up to six weeks and offer pre-employment training, work experience with an employer in the industry and, at the end of the programme, an opportunity to apply for a job interview in the sector or seek help with the application process.

Source: GOV.UK