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Everton Nursery School and Family Centre has been appointed as one of the 6 new DfE Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs…

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As part of the Early Years Education Recovery Support Package, 18 Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs have been designated by the Department for Education (DfE) – one of which is in Liverpool City Region!

Everton Nursery School and Family Centre has been designated as a Hub and covers Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St. Helens, Wirral, Cumberland, Westmorland and Furnace, Lancashire and Warrington. It offers support, conferences and networking opportunities for those in the Early Years sector. The Hub is fully funded until late 2024 and free for those who take part.

Everton Nursery school and Family Centre has been appointed as one of the 6 new DfE Early Years Stronger Practice Hub. It will lead the Liverpool City Region and Beyond Stronger Practice Hub supporting Local Authorities in and surrounding Liverpool City Region. Coaching and mentoring with Early Years specialists, CPD and workforce development will be available through the Hub.

Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs will support other early years settings in the designated areas to improve outcomes for children in their local area across the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), but specifically focusing on areas of development that have been most impacted by COVID-19: personal social and emotional development (PSED); communication and language, and early literacy and maths.

Stronger Practice Hubs are also supported by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) who provide evidence which informs the training provided at the Hubs. In partnership with the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) and the Department for Education (DfE), the EEF and Stronger Practice Hubs are able to support the development of young children and address the differences in outcomes between children experiencing poverty and compared to their peers.

Hubs support other nurseries and childminders in their area to adopt evidence-based practice improvements by:
* establishing local networks of early years educators to share knowledge and effective practice
* sharing information and advice on evidence-based approaches – for example, through newsletters, blogs and social media
* acting as a point of contact for bespoke advice
* signposting to other funded support
* working with the Education Endowment Foundation to select evidence-based programmes to fund and make available to nurseries and childminders

If you are a childminder, working in a private, voluntary or independent (PVI) nursey or school/maintained nursery class and would like more information and to join the Stronger Practice Hub Network then sign up to the Hub HERE