Every year thousands of teenagers leave school with aspirations to secure an apprenticeship but some find it difficult to gain a place. tpm offers a traineeship programme that is helping eight out of ten young people get onto an apprenticeship as soon as they complete the course, or within six months of completing it.
Catch Twenty Two
Across Liverpool City Region young people can find themselves in a catch-22 situation. They can’t get on an apprenticeship because they don’t have the qualifications, often in English and maths, or the skills employers require. But they can’t get a job either because they have little or no work experience. tpm provides a solution for anybody facing these challenges
tpm’s traineeship programme, spearheaded from their office on Lime Street in Liverpool, is playing a key role in getting the region’s young people ready for the world of work. tpm tutor Natalie Harris delivers a unique blend of workshops in personal skills and employability as part of the programme that also includes that all important work experience.
Getting actual work experience is crucial for young people to get ahead.
Natalie says: “Getting actual work experience is crucial for young people to get ahead. On a traineeship, students spend two days a week getting hands-on experience in the workplace, and also attend workshops at tpm to help them develop the skills required by employers. Essentially the course is tailored to each individual and can last up to 13 weeks.
Progression of Careers
tpm’s traineeships are available in a choice of three industry sectors: business administration, hairdressing or childcare. Students choose their preferred industry and then aim to progress onto an apprenticeship and long term career in that sector once they’ve completed the traineeship
Two recent students who completed a traineeship at tpm have progressed to employment as paid apprentices studying for their level 2 childcare qualification. Hannah Dowell and Corey Moore are both optimistic about continuing their childcare careers.
Corey told us: “When I approached tpm I was unemployed. I’d done a 12 week programme at The Princes Trust that included volunteering and team building sessions but I had no idea what I wanted to do next.”
Following a meeting with Natalie at tpm, Corey (pictured above) was placed with Little Rainbows Nursery in Wallasey. He says: “I went on tpm’s 13 week traineeship and got a lot of work experience. The employability workshops with Natalie were really interesting and helped to build my confidence. I got training on the job and workshops for interview technique. After just two months of working with the team it was amazing to be offered a job at the nursery. They’ve really supported me on this journey and now I’m doing a full time apprenticeship getting a qualification and being paid to work at the same time.”
Corey tells us he recommends traineeships to any young person who needs support to get on the career ladder: “It offers opportunity, experience and support when starting a new career”.
Traineeships also work as a trial period for both the employer and the trainee to see how well they are suited. tpm conduct regular reviews with the trainee and the employer to tweak training and support to meet both their needs. This also increases the likelihood of a paid apprenticeship for participants.
Great for Everyone
Kerry, the owner of Little Rainbows Day Nursery explains
“Traineeships are a great way for us to see the person not the paperwork. We get to see in real terms the passion, commitment and dedication of each trainee. Where these qualities are shown, we are able to create an apprenticeship for them. They don’t have to be job-ready when they join but the right attitude and enthusiasm can lead to the start of their career.”
Travel costs for participants are covered: all students receive a bus pass entitling them to free travel to college and the placement venue. Every person successfully finishing a traineeship receives a certificate of completion. There’s even a student of the month bonus based on trainees’ positive participation.
The programme is typically funded by the Government and is open to 16 to 24 year olds who do not hold a level 3 qualification and have little or no work experience.