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Would you like to have a voice on what’s happening in your city region? If you want to use your voice, why not consider joining…

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Are you aged between 13 and 18 (or 13 and 25 if you have special educational needs and or a disability) and live in the Liverpool City Region – that’s Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens or Wirral?

Would you like to have a voice on what’s happening in your city region?

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority wants to hear the opinions of young people from all backgrounds to represent the communities across our city region.

The Youth Combined Authority (YCA) meets online in small groups to discuss key issues affecting the Liverpool City Region.

  • Economical Development and Growth
  • Employment and Skills
  • Energy and the Environment
  • Culture
  • Transport

The group empowers the voice of young people in the Liverpool City Region by giving the opportunity for them to feed their views back to policy leads at the Combined Authority, influencing decision-makers.

To find out more or to register your interest CLICK HERE or visit: