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Are you an LCR resident from a Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic Background?

Do you need business support or careers advice?

Join us to find out the support that is available and to speak to employers with live opportunities.

  • Date: 18 September 2024
  • Venue: St Georges Hall, St Georges Place, Liverpool, L1 1JJ
  • Time: Drop in anytime between 1pm – 5pm

Register and find out more here:

  • Email:
  • Instagram: raceequalityhub_lcr

Check back for key dates to be added to your diary:

June 2024:

  • 17th-23rd Refugee Week

July 2024:

  • 18 Nelson Mandela International Day
  • 18th-17th (Aug) South Asian Heritage Month

August 2024:

  • Up to 17th South Asian Heritage Month
  • 28th Sola Arts End of Summer Celebration

Further dates to be announced