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The North West Skills Development Network works to improve skills and standards across NHS organisations in England…

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The North West Skills Development Network works to improve skills and standards across NHS organisations in England.

The network predominantly supports those working in finance, procurement and digital within the NHS to support their professional development and to share best practice.

As part of organisational development, the Skills Development Network provides opportunities for apprentices all the way up to directors.

Part of the purpose of the network is to ensure that there is the infrastructure in place to support a stream of people within the NHS with the right skills, so that patients can get the best care.

Last week, an apprenticeship assessment centre was held through the North West Skills Development Network NHS Team – Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospital.

This was held in Mann Island, in collaboration with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Sharon Blaney, the Employment and Skills Project Office for NHS and Health at LCRCA. These apprenticeship assessment centres have proven to be a very successful model of recruitment in recent years.

They support young people across Cheshire and Merseyside interested in NHS apprenticeships in IT, Accounts & Procurement. Through this engagement the network helps to break down barriers to opportunities in the North West region.

If you are interested in becoming an apprentice in the NHS, then find out more HERE.